Beauty in a Hurry - How long do Treatments Take?

Beauty in a Hurry - How long do Treatments Take?

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If you've got a busy lifestyle, you may not always be able to carve out time to have lengthy beauty treatments, or take the afternoon off to wait for your skin to settle or an anaesthetic to wear off. But that doesn't mean you don't deserve the chance to have a bit of attention for yourself. 

So, if you don't have a huge amount of time but you still want to look your absolute best, here are our top treatments for beauty in a hurry. 


PROCEDURE TIME: 15 - 30 minutes 

The world's most popular anti-wrinkle treatment fits perfectly into a lunch break, giving you an effective anti-ageing boost even when you're in a rush. Botox should leave you looking fresh (not frozen), and help you radiate the air of calm that can be hard to fake when your life is so busy. Wipe away the look of stress, lose those frown lines and wrinkles, and look younger, in just half an hour. 

Botox injections at our clinic in Rickmansworth, Essex, are only administered by a trained doctor, with over 15 years of experience. That experience means you'll leave our clinic with no need to hide swelling or redness before you get back to work, and gives you the confidence that you won't love overdone - just young, calm, and relaxed.


PROCEDURE TIME: 30 minutes

In just 30 minutes, you can perk your skin right up with Mesotherapy. Injections of clinically specialised nutrients are injected under the skin to deliver deep nourishment that hydrates and rejuvenates the appearance of your face or hands. 

We use a specialised Mesogun to administer the injections, which not only makes the treatment virtually painless, it also reduces the potential for any redness or bruising - so you can go straight back to whatever you need to be doing, without worrying about obvious marks. 

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

PROCEDURE TIME: 15 - 60 minutes, depending on area treated

Rejuvenate your skin to look brighter, fresher and younger. IPL Skin Rejuvenation uses medical grade intense pulsed light therapy to bring life back to the skin and regenerate collagen and elastin. For the busy person, IPL can be fit into a lunch break to give you a fabulous skin boost with almost no visible evidence after the treatment - no redness means you can be back at your desk without anyone noticing a thing. 

Your skin will improve subtly over the course of a few treatments (every couple of weeks), but some people see visible improvements within a couple of days of their first session. 

Tear Trough Non-Surgical Eye Lift

PROCEDURE TIME: 30 minutes

One of the complaints of many busy women is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. A Tear Trough treatment involves the use of dermal fillers injected into the hollows under the eyes to reduce the appearance of dark circles and tired eyes. 

Although the treatment can lead to a little swelling and redness, mineral makeup can be used to disguise this, allowing you to go straight back to work after your treatment. 

Skin Care

PROCEDURE TIME: Part of your daily routine

If you can't fit a half an hour treatment into your day, and we know plenty of women who can't (though we always encourage you to find some time for yourself - everyone needs a little me time every now and again), then bringing the right products into your daily skincare routine can help. 

The ZO skincare for health range offers an amazing anti-ageing programme to help prevent and repair moderate skin damage at the cellular level - there's even an "aggressive" anti ageing programme for more severely damaged skin. We exclusively use the ZO range in our Essex clinic, because we believe it truly is some of the best skincare in the world. 

There's also a range of ZO skincare for more medical needs - to address specific skin conditions and make a bigger difference. 

Although you'll need to make time for a consultation with our skincare expert, because of the high levels of active ingredients in the products, once you're started on your programme it fits right into your everyday skincare routine - perfect if you're always on the go.